On Thursday, the Eighteenth Day of June, next, at Four o'clock in the
Afternoon precisely, subject to the Conditions to be then produced, (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will he given), ALL, that valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in Knowl-Lane, in Mirfield' aforesaid, in the
following or such other Lot or Lots as may be agreed on at thetime of Sale.
Lot 1. All that Plot of LAND
parts of the " Far Broad Royd," and "Near Broad Royd," adjoining to Doctor-Lane, with a Shed in the same, and containing 2A. 0R. l6P., and in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 2. All that Plot of LAND parts of the said "Far Broad Royd" and "Near Broad Royd," and adjoining Lot 1, and containing by admeasurement 2A. 2R. 2P., and in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his
undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 3. All that Plot of LAND
part of the said "Far Broad Royd," fronting into Doctor-Lane and Knowl-Lane, and adjoining upon Lot2, and containing by admeasurement 3902 Square yards of Land, and in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 4. All that Plot of LAND
the residue of the said "Far Broad Royd" and part of the said "Near Broad Royd,"adjoining upon Lot 3, and containing by admeasurement 3297 superficial Square Yards, in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 5. All that Plot of BUILDING LAND
, part of the said "Near Broad Royd," and adjoining Lot 4, and fronting into Knowl-Lane, and containing by admeasurement 2964 superficial Square Yards, now in
the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 6. All that COTTAGE
and Garden fronting into Knowl-Lane, in the Occupation of Robert Smith, Also all that Plot of BUILDING LAND
adjoining the above, and part of the said ''Near Broad Royd," containing by admeasurement(including the site of the Building) 3560 superficial Square Yards of Land, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 7. All that FARM HOUSE.
Barn, Stable, Mistal, Cart Shed, and Outbulldings there to belonging, Yards and Gardens, Also all those FOUR COTTAGES
in the several Ocupatlons of William Clegg, Samuel France, and Two empty. Also all those Two CLOSES of LAND
called "The Croft" and the "Near Knowl," and containing an Area (including the site of the Buiiding) of 4A.3R.24P., in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 8. All that CLOSE of LAND
part of the "Far Knowl" adjoining Knowl-Lane, and on the North Side of Lot 7, containing an Area of 1A. 1R. 37P. in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant, Samuel Brown.
Lot 9. All that Plot of LAND
adjoining to Knowl-Lane, and on the North Side of the last Lot, the residue of the "Far Knowl," and containing 1A, 1R. 20P., in the Occupation of Mr. Fairburn or his undertenant. Samuel Brown.
A descriptive Plan of the Property as divided into Lots may be
inspected, and further Particulars obtained on application to Mr. JONES, Land Agent, Birkhouse, near Huddersfield, or to JOHN ARTHUR IKIN, Solicitor, Leeds, 7, Park-Row,
Leeds, 18th May, 1846.