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Water Royd
Mirfield  Water royd

Looking down Water Royd around 1910. Just out of view on the left stood the "Kings Head" pub which was the oldest pub in Mirfield dating back to the 15th century. In its day it had a fairly notorious reputation, its location on the edge of Mirfield Moor made it ideal for those of dubious character who chose not frequent more central drinking houses. The Highwayman William Nevison was said to have frequented this area, its proximity to the Leeds-Manchester coach route suiting him. He came to his end after killing the landlord of a Batley inn. Nevison had stopped at the inn to drink, yet again near to the coach route, but the landlord  named Fletcher recognised Nevison and with thoughts of a large reward raised the alarm. Nevison realised the impending trap and fled. The landlord attempted to stop him and was shot dead. Nevison was finally captured in Sandal, Wakefield. He was sentenced to death and hanged at York in 1685.

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